Monday, September 2, 2013

Getting Water

Where we live there is no running water. We have to go and get our water from a public well. 
This is the tank we put into the back of the truck to go pick up water.

The water cost $3 for 100 gallons.

Hayzel helped put the quarters into the slot

Then we hook the hose to the tank and the well pump and it pumps the water in.

Oh no! The water overfilled and Hayzel got a tiny bit wet.

When we get back to the house, we connect the hose to our tank in the garage and transfer the water from the truck to the tank in the garage. We use a tiny pump for the last bit at the bottom. That water then can be filtered and goes through the pipes in the house. We use it for showers, flushing toilets, cooking, washing dishes, doing laundry, watering the plants and animals, and anything else we need water from. Felicity's Mom and Dad usually buy gallon jugs of distilled water for drinking because they don't like the taste of the well water, but Felicity and Hayzel don't mind the taste and drink straight from the tap.

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